
What is a Rebozo?
The rebozo is a classic Mexican garment that has its origins in the Mesoamerican community. The word "rebozo" derives from the Spanish word "rebozar," which means "to wrap."
Rebozos come in different lengths and widths, but they all have some kind of beautiful pattern and fringes in common. They are usually between 1.5 and 3 m long.
They are therefore suitable as a scarf, for the Rebozo massage during and after pregnancy and as a ring sling for carrying babies.
Mexican midwives have used the rebozo for centuries to help women during pregnancy, labor, and after birth - and beyond.
Depending on the region they come from, rebozos have different colors and textures and different status in the community where they are used.
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Hol dir jetzt eine kostenlose Faja im Wert von €79 beim Kauf von 3 wunderschönen Rebozos!
So geht's:
- Gib 3 Rebozos und 1 Faja deiner Wahl in den Warenkorb.
- Beim Checkout den Rabattcode DOULAPAKET eingeben und schon wird dir der Preis der Faja automatisch abgezogen.